What is the baby town INC Refund and Return Policy?
How does it work?

We are happy to let you know about our exchange, refund, and return policies. Within 10 days of delivery, you can request a refund or exchange if you’re unhappy with a purchase or if there is a problem (precise specifics may vary depending on the product; please read the item page at the time of ordering).

    Return and Exchange Requirements:
  • The item must be in its original condition.
  • Tags and packaging must remain intact.
  • The product should not have been used.
    • Non-Returnable Categories:
  • Accessories
  • Innerwear
  • Toys & Games, Socks,
  • Following selection, the item will go through a quality check. Within the next 24 to 48 hours after approval, your refund or exchange will be completed. Although you are free to try the item on, please take care to prevent any damage.

      Refund Process:
  • Refunds for prepaid orders will be credited to the original source account that was used to place the order.
  • Cash on Delivery Orders: A link to your refund will be sent to your registered email address and phone number, along with a text message. Within 24 to 48 hours of the things being picked up, this link will be emailed.
  • We work hard to make sure our clients adore our offerings. If you need to exchange or return an item, send us a direct email at

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